People all over the globe are spending billions of dollars on skin and hair-care products every year, and don’t even realize that it comes down to lifestyle, rather than how much you can afford to spend on products. Beauty is only skin-deep, but the importance of healthy skin goes a lot deeper. Here are some tips to boost the Beauty of Your Skin and Hair!
Nourish Your Body
The foods you eat can be powerful tools to increase your beauty as well. Most people choose foods based on how many calories it contains and how it will affect their weight. But foods can also improve your skin, nails and hair, as they simultaneously increase your health. Nourishing your skin begins from the inside with the foods you eat.
Here are the Top Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin and Hair:
1. Red and Green Vegetables Orange-red vegetables are full of beta-carotene. Your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which prevents cell damage and premature aging. Studies have shown that eating foods with these deeply colored pigments can make your face actually look healthier than being tanned.
2. Blueberries This low-profile berry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging, so add half a cup to your yogurt or cereal every day.
3. Nuts The benefits of nuts — especially almonds — have to do with antioxidant activity. Vitamin E fights skin-aging free radicals, and also helps your skin hold in moisture.
4. Walnuts You don’t need to eat cupfuls of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a handful by themselves or throwing some in your salad, pasta, or dessert.
5. Spinach This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach is loaded with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Thank you so much for this informative article on skincare, I am very worried about my skin these days. I don't eat much fruits and now I am getting pimples on my face, my sister gave me MZ Skin promo codes to buy their lotions and other creams. I don't know how much time will it take to get better, can you please tell me if these fruits can cure this?