The main purpose of a whole-body detox is to cleanse and re-energise your whole system, helping you on your way towards holistic health and integrated wellbeing. Although it is often assumed that most vegetarians and vegans eat a healthier diet than meat eaters or non-vegans and have less need for a full detoxification, the truth is we can all benefit from a safe and gentle detoxification regime. A regular detox is believed to increase energy levels, boost the immune system and even improve the appearance of your skin. So what is a whole body detox? Well, as the name implies, it is a complete and effective cleansing regime designed to give you a complete physiological overhaul. All detoxes will advise eating more of certain foods and less - or none - of others, with the aim of purifying and cleansing, but there are different regimes so whatever your preferences it should be possible to find a detox that is tailored to your individual needs. Detoxing is not advised however if you are pregnant, underweight or recovering from illness, and if you are unsure always consult your doctor. However most detoxes are perfectly safe and will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. As there are so many different types of detox and dietary regimes out there, here are three of the best whole body detoxes suitable for vegetarians.
Ayurvedic Detox
'Ayurveda' loosely translates to 'science of life' and is a comprehensive holistic health regime that aims to promote health and wholeness for the mind, body and spirit. An ayurvedic detox usually takes place over three to five days and although some ayurvedic regimes can be quite intensive, the aim is always to tailor any plan to the individual. It is advisable to consult an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the best plan for you. In the Ayurvedic system each individual is made up of three doshas, or types of constitution, and depending on your natural balance of doshas and the nature of any imbalances (a skin problem or tendency to digestive problems for example) a dietary and self-care regime will be tailored to your individual needs. Traditional Ayurvedic detox is known as panchakarma and is far more than just a diet, also compromising gentle yogic exercises and massage with warm oils.
Detox your Liver
Many detox regimes stress the importance of the liver in flushing out toxins. A five day whole-body detox that comprises a one day juice fast and lots of raw fruit and vegetables will purify your whole body, yet at the same time have significant impact upon your liver. The liver is responsible for a large part of the detoxification process, yet is easily overloaded by toxins caused from an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and other, more serious lifestyle problems such as substance abuse. Performing a liver detox can help flush out the residue of these toxins, and may be a helpful addition to other treatment programs. Of course, this should be under the supervision of an experienced health professional. However, even if you believe yourself to be generally healthy your liver could still benefit from a thorough cleanse from time to time as we all ingest toxins from chemicals and pollution to some degree.
Slow and Gentle
A three or five or even seven day detox is not suitable for everybody, either due to health or lifestyle demands or simply individual preference. Particularly for the very overweight, for whom a shorter and more intensive detox plan may feel too similar to the effects of crash dieting, leading to a binge-purge cycle, a longer and more gentle detox plan may be more suitable and indeed more achievable. Such programs typically last for around three to four weeks and aim to gently ease the body into a detoxifying regime, with certain foods being gradually phased out in the beginning and reintroduced at the end. For those new to the concept of detoxing this may be the best option and indeed can help to lay down the habits of a lifetime. Longer detoxes are believed to help with chronic digestive problems, weight loss plans and even cellulite. Whatever your individual needs or lifestyle, there is certain to be a form of detox that is best for you and your needs.
Very useful information. Thanks for sharing!
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